Sunday, December 19, 2010


A baby is one of my favorite people to take pictures of! They're easy since they're usually a compliant model, looking cute 100% of the time. You can't get a bad picture, a yawn or squawk is just endearing and gives the wider sense of personality. But I love photographing babies most of all because I can't get over the awe of these small creations. I get to gaze at a masterpiece, every small wrinkle and strand of spiky hair is just perfect. Here is lovely little Grant, born in the Netherlands to some of my dearest friends. The photo of the blue and white candy covered anise over a biscuit, is tradition "beschuit met muisjes" which is given to guests coming to visit the babe with a cup of tea. If the baby is a girl, they'll of course be pink and white!

1 comment:

tara arcade. said...

Ahhh, brooke!!! Why are you SO incredibly fantastic at everything you do? Love it. And, why have I forgotten about this art blog until now?!